Automated Return or Notification of Change for original transaction code 55. 81: Credit for ACH debits originated. 82: Debit for ACH credits originated. 83: Credit for ACH credits received. 84: Debit for ACH debits received. 85: Credit for ACH credits in rejected batches. 86: Debit for ACH debits in rejected batches. 87: Summary credit for respondent ACH activity. 88ACH Transaction Codes - Including Checking, Savings, G/L and Loan Records. Typical payments to vendors and employee, and collections from customers - use Checking and Savings account transactions codes in the 20's and 30's. Transaction Code. Debit/Credit. ;· Identifying the Tran Code: The Tran Code is a two-digit code in positions 2 - 3 of the Entry Detail Record (6 Record) within an ACH File. The first digit of the Tran Code indicates the account type to which the entry will post, where the number: "2"designates a Checking Account. "3"designates a Savings Account. "4"designates a General Ledger Account. "5"designates Loan …TRAN Acc (Ch Fro Na Fro (Ro Fro Fro (Sign Emp s Federal Credi oan Payment O New hone Number: rg eement ions) Microsoft Word - ACH loan payment origination agreement Author: rparker Created Date: 1/13/2020 4:53:03 PM 47- GL Payment 48- GL Pre-note 49- GL zero-dollar entry with addenda. Loan CREDIT Tran Codes. Loan CREDITS 51- Loan Return or NOC 52- Loan Deposit 53- Loan Pre-note 54- Loan zero-dollar entry with addenda. Loan DEBIT Tran Codes. Loan DEBITS 56- Loan Return or NOC 55 - Loan REVERSAL. Service Class Code ACH Debits and Credits (Mixed) 200. Service Part 3: Standard Entry Class and Transaction CodesACH Transaction Codes - Create transactions with any codeACH (Automated Clearing House) return code to Reverse ACH Payments - The BalanceTRANSACTION CODE - Also known as a Tran code, this is the two digit code in the ACH record that determines whether an entry is a debit or a credit to a savings, DDA, general ledger, or loan account. UCC 4A - The portion of the Uniform Commercial Code which deals with certain funds transfers including ACH credit transactions not subject to the Electronic Funds Transfer Act or …1/19/2021 · International ACH Transaction: Credit or Debit Entry is part of a payment transaction that involves a financial agency’s office not located within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. NOTE: This SEC code is implemented only for very specific merchants and is not generally available. Consumer or Non-Consumer: Single or Recurring 1/20/2021 · ACH - Automated Clearing House Network Addenda Record - An ACH record type that carries supplemental data needed to completely identify an account holder(s) or provide information concerning a payment to the RDFI or receiver. ODFI - Originating Depository Financial Institutions Originator - An organization or company that produces an ACH file and delivers it to …