Apply For A Loan Synonym

Autor: Oliver 17-03-21 Views: 3531 Comments: 158 category: Advices

Loan: as in advance. Synonyms: advance, bribe, douceur… Antonyms: bestowal, comp, donation… Find the right A thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest. A loan granted to a student in higher education to help pay for the tuition. A transaction that provides funds for a business. A sum of money lent or invested, on which interest is a loan. apply for a loan. borrow money. for a loan. take a loan. getting a loan. obtain a loan. obtain loans. borrowing ;· Explore 'apply' in the dictionary. 1 (verb) in the sense of request. Definition. to make a formal request for something, such as a job or a loan. I am continuing to apply for jobs. Synonyms. request. …Apply to, Apply for, and Apply with - Daily Writing TipsLOAN | meaning in the Cambridge English DictionaryLOAN | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionaryrub. smear. touch. lay on. put on. See also synonyms for: applied applying. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your out/apply for a loan Before you take out a loan sit down and list all the money you have coming in. pay off/pay back/repay a loan New restrictions require lenders to check a person's income and ability to repay the apply to a bank’s loan department for a loan. apply for This is the expression to use if your intention is to obtain something. You apply for scholarship money. You apply for admission. You apply for a job. apply with The word with in this idiom implies agency, the means “by which” you apply. You can apply with the click of a mouse. You can apply with a printed application.

Tags: Apply for a loan перевод, Apply for a student loan перевод,