Many people who find themselves short of cash turn to a payday cash advance in lieu of personal loans or other types of loans. They prefer the fast cash advance for just that reason; it's fast. Furthermore, there are fewer requirements and headaches when you obtain an online cash advance than what you’d come across using other loan ;· Contacted by Cash Advance USA. Stated I had been approved. Needed on a Reloadit card to verify first payment. Money taken, then needed 180 wire trns fee. Money taken. This is an invitation to send a loan application, not an offer to make a short term loan. This service does not constitute an offer or solicitation for payday loans in Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, or West Virginia. Customer Notice: A single payday advance is typically for two to four consumers reported receiving emails from individuals claiming to represent Cash Advance USA. The emails indicated that the consumers owed on an alleged debt and needed to pay immediately to avoid further action. Both consumers reported never obtaining a loan with Cash Advance Loans are available in the form of a Payday Loan (also known as a cash advance), an Installment Loan, and a Line of Credit. Online Payday Loans are a short term loan that is due on your pay date and based on your income. If you need more money and would like the flexibility of paying it off over time, consider an online Installment Advance America - Possible Collection and Advance Fee Online Loans | Advance AmericaCash Advance America - Possible Collection and Advance Fee