Could You Please Lend Borrow Me Some Money

Autor: Oliver 31-07-21 Views: 3455 Comments: 136 category: Interesting

This sentence, “can you borrow me some money?” means that you are asking someone to go borrow money and bring it back to you. Also probably not what you were shooting for. So if you want to borrow money from someone, you would ask “Can you lend me some money?” or “Can I borrow some money from you?” and you would be correct according to ;· can you lend me some money, can I borrow some of your money. can I borrow some money. |No. The following two sentences are, however, correct. Can you lend me some money? Can I borrow money from you?borrow or lend. Could you. borrow lend. me some money, please? Some pupils can. borrow lend. books from their school. Will you. borrow is correct to say, "I lent him some money," but not "I loaned him some , The money that is lent is called a loan. "May I borrow your ax?" is proper, whereas "Can you borrow me your ax?" is, as you point out, region-specific and, while incorrect, is appropriate ;· “From a bank” implies you need to borrow some money, but aren’t sure which bank will lend it to you. You may well be “in the bank” or “in a bank” at the point when you apply for the loan, or even when you go to collect your loan, but neither of these would sound it correct? can you borrow me some money? | HiNativeword choice - "Borrow me" vs. "Lend me"? - English Language & Usage word choice - "Borrow me" vs. "Lend me"? - English Language & Usage word choice - "Borrow me" vs. "Lend me"? - English Language & Usage Lend means ‘give something to someone for a short time, expecting that you will get it back’. The past simple and the -ed form are lent: I never lend my CDs to anyone. I lent Gary £30. (I expect that Gary will return this to me) Borrow is a regular verb meaning ‘get something from someone, intending to give …12/04/2019 · You borrow money from someone: I borrowed some money from him. You lend someone money or you lend money to someone: I lent him some money. I lent some money to him. The money you lent [to] me wasn't enough. CB
