I need business loan 300000. Muhammad Usman, Karachi, Tuesday, May 12 2020. Dear Sir I needed 2 lacs of loan of business I needed your help plz 03440137137. M Sohaik, Karachi, Wednesday, March 04 2020. I need bussaines Contact number. 03332203035. Fareed, Karachi, Tuesday, March 03 a list of all the religious places of worship and then ask them for assistance one by one. Here are some charities and religious organizations you should definitely check out. I have seen countless people visit my place of worship when they need help with money. 1. Community Action Organization 2. St Vincent De Paul 3. Red Cross 4. United Way , you can get up to $1,000 right away. The easy application takes less than one minute and you'll have the funds directly deposited into your account for immediate use. Whether you have good credit, bad credit or no credit, you can be approved and have the short-term loan you need …01/10/2017 · In need of money Please help me for financial blessing. I need money to pay my debts and monthly bills. I need a house for my family and money for my son wedding. please make this happen lord. please lord we are in provety situation. have mercy lord in jesus name i. pray amen. thank you lord28/12/2017 · It is a ubiquitous phrase in Pakistan, and everyone poses this question to each other when they meet, whether it’s the next day or years later. The word Aap here is a formal way to say you, but if you know the person well, you can replace it with the more casual Tum .21 Essential Urdu Phrases You’ll Need in PakistanTop 15 Charity Organizations in Pakistan | Transparent HandsI Need Help With Money Right Now Please Help Me21 Essential Urdu Phrases You’ll Need in Pakistan29/05/2017 · Edhi Foundation is in the second position in our Top 15 Charity Organizations in Pakistan. Edhi Foundation is the biggest name in Pakistan’s charity organization in Pakistan. It is one of the best social welfare service providers across the world running on a non-commercial, non-political, and non-communal ;· In this Forum Post we take a look at a few of the rich wealthy people who give away money and how to contact these millionaires through their charitable foundation for help, you’ll also find the names and contact details of rich people giving money away. Hundreds of Millionaires Giving Away Free Money.