Availing A Personal Loan? 10 Private Banks Offering Lowest If you are planning to take a personal loan from the top 10 private banks (as per asset size), here is the list …8/25/2020 · For example, the personal loan balance transfer interest rates for HDFC bank, ICICI Bank and Axis bank start at , and 12% respectively. Do keep in mind that personal loan balance transfer offers typically have some additional fees/charges associated with them such as processing fees, prepayment charges applicable to the original loan, you think of personal loans, banks are often the first choice as their interest rates on personal loans are lower than other NBFCs. The Interest rate on a personal loan is very important and is often the basis on which the decision to avail of the loan is made. Compare Top Banks Personal Loan Interest Rates in India. Note: Interest 39 реда · Personal Loan Interest Rate HDFC. HDFC Personal Loan is easy to get and has less …4/16/2019 · Most banks charge personal loan interest rates between to 24% The interest rate that you are charged will vary based on a number of factors such as your credit score, your income, the company that you are employed with, your age at the time of applying for the loan, Bank Personal Loan Interest Rates Get a loan between 50,000 to Rs. 15,00,000. One needs to be of a minimum age of 21 years and should have a valid set of documents like ID proof, income proof other documents to avail the loan. Interest rates start at Loan Interest Rates 2021: Interest Rate of All banksPersonal Loan Interest Rates 2021: Interest Rate of All banksPersonal Loan Interest Rates 2021: Interest Rate of All banksPersonal Loan Interest Rates 2021: Interest Rate of All banks