180 Monthly Payments. Maximum loan amount $679,650. Rate indicated is a fixed rate for first mortgage loans conforming with points. Rates are calculated with 20% down payment and are based on the respective rate, related fees and associated interest rate (%) Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%) Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, richest 60% (% of population ages 15+)Federal Student Aid ;· US Bank Prime Loan Rate is at , compared to the previous market day and last year. This is lower than the long term average of Report. Selected Interest Rates. Category. Interest Rates. Region. United interest rate differs for every loan. Our finance charge is based on your creditworthiness, our proprietary scoring method, the amount you chose to borrow and the length of time you chose to keep your loan outstanding. Your finance charge and APR will be fully disclosed to you on your loan agreement. Apply today to see if you're qualified, What is the interest rate on a loan? – American Web Loan 2021 - Market News & Forecasts, Charts, Broker ReviewsUS Bank Prime Loan Rate - YChartsUSD LIBOR interest rate - US Dollar LIBOR ratesUnited States Interest Rates. CD. up to: Aug, 2019. Savings Accounts. up to: Apr, 2020. All Loans. from: ;· Source. 20 %. May 1981. %. Nov 2015. %. 1971 - 2021. Federal Reserve. In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the …