Microloan Meaning

Autor: Oliver 29-08-21 Views: 2084 Comments: 128 category: Articles

Microloan | Definition of Microloan by Merriam-WebsterMicroloan | Definition of Microloan by Merriam-WebsterMicroloan | Definition of Microloan by Merriam-WebsterMicroloan - definition of microloan by The Free DictionaryDefinition of microloan. a small loan typically for financing entrepreneurial projects by impoverished individuals and groups especially in poor or developing regions An advocate of economic power for women and a founder of women's World Banking, she [Esther Afua Ocloo] led the movement offering microloans to run small businesses around the definition: 1. a small amount of money that is lent at a low rate of interest to a new business: 2. a small…. Learn to define the word microloan? The definition of microloan in Dictionary is as: A small loan, especially one extended to a poor person as part of a microcredit program of such lending intended to alleviate poverty. Meaning of microloan for the defined word. Grammatically, this word "microloan" is a morpheme, more specifically, a prefixe. It's also a noun, more specifically, a countable ;cro·loan. (mī′krō-lōn′) n. A very small, often short-term loan made to an impoverished entrepreneur, as in an underdeveloped country. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing small sum of money lent at low interest to a new definition: a very small loan | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesWhat does microloan mean? A very small, often short-term loan made to an impoverished entrepreneur, as in an underdeveloped country. (noun)Entries with "microloan" microloans: microloans (English) Noun microloans Plural of microloan. microlending: …of small amounts of money per loan as part of a microcredit words & phrases microloan Translations microlending - microcredit lending See also microlending…. microcredit: …loans, especially to poor people to promote self-employment; noun. A small loan, especially one extended to a poor person as part of a microcredit program of such lending intended to alleviate poverty. He got a one hundred dollar means a Small Business loan that has a principal amount that is less than or equal to twenty­five thousand dollars. Sample 1. Based on 1 documents. 1. Save. Copy.

Tags: Microloan meaning in english, Microloan meaning and example, Microloan meaning geography, Microloan meaning in arabic, Micro loan meaning in hindi, Micro loan meaning in business, Microloan organizations meaning, Microloan job meaning,