Microloans Nobel Prize

Autor: Oliver 27-08-21 Views: 1611 Comments: 222 category: Interesting

13/10/2006 · The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded today to the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and its founder, Muhammad Yunus, for pioneering microcredit — …21/11/2006 · Nobel-Prize Winner on the Power of Microcredit Years ago, a group of prospective business owners approached Bangladeshi banker Muhammad Yunus …Furthermore, Cockburn argues the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke, because at one point Henry Kissinger, father of the atomic bomb, won it. He continues to argue that Mohammed Yunus should not have won the award because the idea that microloans can help is just as ridiculous as linking "Kissinger" with "Peace". Below is the link to an article ;14/10/2006 · The Nobel Peace Prize went to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank of Bangladesh for devising "microcredit" loans to the Yunus, Grameen Bank - Nobel Peace PrizeMuhammad Yunus - Facts - Yunus - Biographical - Yunus - Facts - Yunus and Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2006 for their work to "create economic and social development from below". Grameen Bank's objective since its establishment in 1983 has been to grant poor people small loans on easy terms - so-called micro-credit - and Yunus was the bank's founder.Шейх ХасинаАмартя СенМалала ЮсафзаиАбхиджит БанерджиМанмохан Сингх

Tags: Microloans nobel prize winner, Microcredit nobel prize, Microfinancing nobel prize, Yunus nobel prize speech,