Mobile MoneyMobile Money Overview Mobile Money International Sdn Bhd was established in February 2005 with paid up capital RM25 Money focuses on innovative mobile centric payment systems. We are an approved E-Money issuer governed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and Remittance provider (Class B - License No.: 00257) under the Money Vincent Kadar is the president and CEO of Telepin Software, a leading provider for mobile money transaction platforms. Vincent has more than 16 years executive experience in software technology companies for wireless and telecom networks. Prior to become CEO of Telepin Software, Vincent was founder and CTO at Airwide Solutions, a leading provider of mobile messaging ;· Vincent Kadar is the President and CEO of Telepin Software, a provider of mobile money transaction platforms. Vincent has more than 16 years of executive experience in software technology companies for wireless and telecom networks. Prior to Telepin, Software Mr Kadar was founder and CTO of Airwide Solutions, a provider of mobile mobile money services, see Claire Pénicaud (2013), “State of the Industry: Results from the 2012 Global Mobile Money Adoption Survey,” GSMA Mobile Money for the Unbanked Programme. MOBILE MONEY IS MORE COMPLEX THAN VAS 0RUH DQG PRUH PRELOH QHWZRUN RSHUD-WRUV 012V DUH VHHLQJ PRELOH PRQH\ DV DMobile MoneyMobile MoneyMobile MoneyMobile MoneyVince Kadar. Vincent guides the growth of Telepin, delivering an innovative software platform that enables digital transactions and payments for the telecom and financial services markets, with 20 years of experience in the mobile money space (and over 25 years in financial services and telecom software).Mobile Money Panel: BLAST FROM THE PAST. Originally Published April 26, 2012; Mobile panel @Future of Money & Technology Conference w Vincent Kadar, Telepin & Chris Battles, Intuit & Steve Schultz, Pageonce & Ray Ramilosa, Boku with Tom Krazit, GigaOm moderator. Previous Banking Technology Vince Kadar (CEO, Telepin) as he shares his insight, drawn from 20 years of experience in mobile money — from Tanzania to Singapore to Thailand. Problems to overcome, platforms to deploy, and people to advise. In global markets, mobile money is more than just a business; mobile money is a new standard for evening was packed with presentations filled with interest, intellect and innovation. “3 Ways to Launder Mobile Money” caught my attention. Others were informative – the Kili POS and Vince Kadar’s review of Telepin’s global timeline. But for me, the most compelling presentation of the evening was by Nicolas Dinh for MasterCard.
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