Money Lending And Other Sins Iv Not Showing As Completed

Autor: Oliver 25-08-21 Views: 3451 Comments: 260 category: News

Money Lending and Other Sins IV | Red Dead Redemption 2 Money Lending and Other Sins IV | Red Dead Redemption 2 Money Lending and Other Sins IV | Red Dead Redemption 2 Money Lending and Other Sins IV | Red Dead Redemption 2 Issue. So, I’m going for the Lending a Hand achievement which includes completing the entire Money Lending & Other Sins quest line. I’m currently in the middle chapter 4 and parts IV-V of the quest appear to be glitched. I have occasional markers for this mission that will appear on the map North of Strawberry and at the undertaker building in For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Money lending and other sins IV completion?".05/11/2018 · Location: Portugal. Posted November 4, 2018. Money lending and other sins IV (Chapter 3) So I did the 2 requests from LS then put the collected money on the camp box, but the mission doesn't appear as completed. Do you have any idea how do fix this?26/10/2018 · Accepted Answer. Money Lending and Other Sins - IV. Strauss needs to speak with you. Prerequisite: The New South. Gold Medal Requirements. N/A. After completing The New South, you will be able to talk to Strauss in camp about some more of his money lending business. You haven't been here all that long, but Strauss already has two more names of 02/01/2019 · Money Lending and Other Sins IV, is no different than the first two parts; meaning that you’ll be able to trigger it, the moment you start Chapter 3, by talking to the same Leopold Strauss. It’s worth mentioning though, that if you don’t complete this specific mission by the end of the third chapter; then, both targets you need to find will transfer to Chapter 4 .
