Payday loans are a non-priority debt where the borrower receives a small amount of money from a loans company in a short-term loan, typically with the purpose of providing money to tide you over until your next payday. Solutions Scotland, 78a Stanley Street, Glasgow, G41 1JH. DPA number advice applies to Scotland. Payday loans are short-term loans for small amounts of money. They are available from high street shops and internet sites. Payday loans can be easy to get but interest rates are very high. There may be other ways for you to sort out your short-term money problem so think about the alternatives before you borrow Welcome to Conduit Scotland A fair and affordable loan service Our team know there are times when we all need a little extra help on the money front, and in those times of need we can provide loans of up to £1, a fair and affordable lender, we make it quick and easy to …How payday loans work, including continuous payment authority, stopping payments, extending the loan and alternatives to payday loans. Payday loans - reasons to complain about your lender What you can complain about if your payday lender doesn’t follow the Good Practice Customer Charter to taking the same loan from a typical payday lender at 1,250% APR This loan would save you: The interest rates on our short-term loans are so much cheaper than the alternatives and will never be more than APR. And unlike other lenders we never charge fees for early or late payments.