DIBPL is the first Islamic bank in Pakistan to offer a Shari’a compliant “Personal Finance”facility based on the Islamic Finance concept of “Musawamah”. The financing facility can be availed and utilized for financial needs such as education, marriage, medical expenses, credit card loans settlements, conventional loans settlements or meeting any other emergency needs in “HALAL/ISLAMIC” was incorporated in Pakistan as an unlisted public limited company on May 27, 2005 under the Companies Ordinance (1984) to carry out the business of an Islamic Commercial Bank in accordance with the principles of Islamic Shari’a. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) granted a license to the Bank on November 26, 2005 and subsequently the Bank received the Certificate of Commencement of Business from the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan …03/08/2021 · DIBPL is the first Islamic bank in Pakistan to offer a Sharia-compliant “Personal Finance” service, based on the Islamic Finance concept of “Musawamah”. The financing facility can be leveraged and used for financial needs such as education, marriage, medical expenses, credit card loan agreements, and conventional loan agreements or to meet any other emergency need in a “HALAL ISLAMIC” …Combine all your payment obligations into one easy finance solution – DIB Liability Settlement Finance. Be it any personal or auto finance outstanding or credit card dues to other banks, just transfer your salary to DIB and avail this fantastic financing facility. Also enjoy …03/01/2019 · So, these are all of the details of Dubai Islamic Bank Personal Loan Procedure, Requirements In Pakistan. The maximum loan tenure will be 36 Months. If you find these loan schemes suitable for you then you can right now apply for Islamic Bank Personal Loan EligibilityDubai Islamic BankDubai Islamic Bank Personal Loan EligibilityDubai Islamic BankDubai Islamic Bank Personal Loan. Dubai Islamic Bank Personal Loan is offered to both- UAE Nationals & expatriates in order to meet their various personal requirements in the times of need. The loan amount can be availed at an attractive interest rate (profit rate) of 11% to annually.