RDR2 PC - Mission #14 - Money Lending and Other Sins III [Replay & Gold Medal]YouTube · 3:47 · 30,000+ прегледа12/11/2019 · RDR2 PC - Mission #14 - Money Lending and Other Sins III [Replay & Gold Medal] - YouTube. Red Dead Redemption 2 mission 100% Gold Medal Walkthrough \ Guide in 4K complete using the Replay option 29/10/2018 · Chapter Two - Money Lending and Other Sins III00:12 - Complete within 2 minutes 10 secondsTo get a gold medal in a mission you need to complete each of the Mission | Gold Medal Guide | Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough. Money Lending and Other Sins - III is a main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 given by Leopold Strauss, as part of Chapter 2 It's the 18° mission in chronological order of the RDR2 story mode, played with protagonist Arthur ;· Once you talk to him, the mission ends and the gold medal should be yours. Completing this mission is a requirement for triggering The Sheep and the Goats, one of the last missions in Chapter 2 of Red Dead Redemption 2. Additionally, you’ll be able to play Money Lending and Other Sins – IV after you complete The New South mission in Chapter PC - Mission 14 - Money Lending and Other Sins III Replay & Gold Medal Trophies/Achievements Though this mission and Parts I and II are not optional Honor story missions themselves, completing these can unlock the remainder of the story missions later on (all of them optional) and is thus associated with these trophies/achievements :Money Lending and Other Sins I & II | Red Dead Redemption Money Lending and Other Sins III | Red Dead Redemption 2 Money Lending and Other Sins I & II | Red Dead Redemption Money Lending and Other Sins III | Red Dead Redemption 2 29/10/2018 · Money Lending and Other Sins. Money Lending and Other Sins is a Main Story Mission, and part of IGN’s Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough. This guide highlights mission strategies and Gold Medal Red Dead Redemption 2 – Money Lending and Other Sins I-III Gold Medal walkthrough video by the 6HourGods. COMPLETE WITHIN 2 MINUTES AND 10 SECONDS There isn’t much to explain here as most everything is scripted (11:46). Just make a beeline for Thomas Downes in …07/11/2018 · Red Dead Redemption 2 Money Lending and Other Sins – I & II doesn’t feature any Gold Medal requirements, and you can complete it only by finding a single debtor, but if you find all three of them you get better rewards. Completing this mission is the only requirement to start Money Lending and Other Sins – with how I got a Gold Medal for this specific mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. You can find more gold medal videos in playlist below Channels Videos Games. Money Lending and Other Sins III Gold Medal Run - Red Dead Redemption 2. Channel: Whitelocks. Subscribers: 12,900. Other …16/11/2018 · You only need to earn 70 Gold Medals in the 104 available missions, so that means you'll be able to skip any 34 of missions you struggle the most with getting a Gold Medal on. Additionally, there is a good handful of super short and easy missions during the Epilogue that you can use to earn a quick and easy Gold Medal later in the game before you go back to replay any more, if need be.
Tags: Rdr2 money lending and other sins gold medal, Red dead redemption 2 money lending and other sins gold medal,