Sampath Bank Housing Loan Interest Rates Sri Lanka

Autor: Oliver 22-08-21 Views: 4819 Comments: 263 category: News

Description Product Interest Rate ( Floating ) ( Fixed for 03 years) Salaried Employees Serving in Confirmed Service in Public and Private Sector in Sri Lanka (LKR) (Fixed for 05 years) Thereafter avarage monthly AWPLR + for the remaining tenure of the loanFeatures. Now, for the first time in Sri Lanka, there’s a housing loan that actually gives you complete flexibility to pay it back! The Sampath Sevana Housing Loans comes with the wonderful advantage of flexibility, a benefit of great value amongst today’s potential home can apply for a Sampath Sevana Housing Loan? Sri Lankan citizens; Who have a regular Net Individual Monthly Income exceeding Rs. 60,000/-How much can you borrow? The maximum loan amount is determined considering the repayment capacity & the Forced Sale Value (FSV) of the property as stipulated by the Bank. To purchase a house or to purchase a land and construct a house, you can borrow up to 70% of the total cost of the housing …Sampath Bank Housing Loan: Sampath Leasing: Upto 3 Years: Loans for Government Pensioners: 13% Bank Sampath Sevana: 50 Mn: 25 Years: 60,000: Apply: Bank of Ceylon: BOC Housing Loan Scheme 13% 50 Mn: 25 Years: 25,000: Apply: Bank of Ceylon: BOC Sirimedura: 13% 25 Mn: 25 Years: 25,000: Apply: Commercial Bank: Home Loans for Professionals: 50 Mn: 20 Years: 25,000: Apply: DFCC Bank: Sandella Housing Loan 50 Mn: 20 Years: 25,000: Apply: People's Bank …Compare Housing Loans in Sri Lanka 2021 - Housing Loans in Sri Lanka 2021 - Housing Loans in Sri Lanka 2021 - Housing Loans in Sri Lanka 2021 - Loan Amount = LKR 2,000,000/-,Valuation Fee = LKR 2,000/- + travelling charges: Title Search Charges: As applicable by the respective lawyers who are outsourced and employed by the bank: Stamp Duty: Purchase or Construction of a House - Below LKR 3,000,000/-No Charges: Purchase or Construction of a House - Above LKR 3,000,000 of Loan AmountVehicle Loans Leasings; Housing Loans; Investments. Propositions; Savings & Current Accounts; Fixed Deposits; Offers; News12 реда · 09/08/2021 · From Rs. 50,000/- upwards (Maximum repayment period varies according to …Housing Loans Sri Lanka | Loan Interest Rates in Sri Lanka | National Savings Bank. The Safest Place for your Money |.The values shown above are estimates only. The interest rate applied for the above calculation is the 5 year fixed housing loan interest rate and is subject to the assignment of salary to the bank. The final interest rate will be determined by the bank upon receipt of your supporting documents and evaluation.
