Secured Loan Перевод

Autor: Oliver 27-08-21 Views: 2892 Comments: 113 category: Articles

Secured loan Translation On Other Language: English Greek Spanish Turkish Polish UkrainianBasically, a secured loan is one for which you provide some form of collateral in order to cover the amount borrowed in the loan. Fondamentalement, un prêt fixé est un pour lequel vous fournissez une certaine forme de garantie afin de couvrir la quantité empruntée en prê 'secured loan' translations into German. Look through examples of secured loan translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn the purposes of Article 96(2), financial services shall be deemed to be carried out, in the case of a secured loan, in the Member State in which the security is situated or, if this Member State cannot be identified, the Member State in which the security is registered.обеспеченный заем; ссуда под залог, под обеспечение, обеспеченная ссуда; кредит под обеспечение, обеспеченный кредитобеспеченный долг в виде кредита

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