To receive a loan of money from creditors or a financial institution. I had to take out a loan to pay for the medical expenses. Thankfully they were able to take out a loan and implement the repairs and upgrades the health inspector had demanded. See also: loan, out, on loan. tap. touch. use temporarily. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. WORD OF THE take-out loan is a type of long-term financing that replaces short-term interim financing. Such loans are usually mortgages that are collateralized with assets and have fixed payments that loan of. have access to. make use of. run into debt. see one's uncle. sorn on someone for. give a note for. have a loan of. take on is another word for "take on loan"?Take out a loan - Idioms by The Free DictionaryTake out a loan - Idioms by The Free DictionaryTake out a loan - Idioms by The Free Dictionaryan act of lending something, esp. a sum of money that that has to be paid back with interest (= an additional amount of money that is a percentage of the amount borrowed), or an amount of money that has been lent: [ U ] Thanks for the loan of your bike. [ C ] My brother repaid his student loan …Borrow means "to take (temporarily)," while lend and loan mean "to give (temporarily)." If you continue to have trouble with this, try substituting "take" for borrow and "give" for lend or loan – the correct word will immediately be clear. You can only borrow something from someone: "Loan (or lend) me a pen" is correct, "Borrow me a pen" is notIt’ll be years before we’ve paid off the loan. 2 [singular] LEND when you lend something to someone loan of Thanks for the loan of your camera. 3 → on loan (from somebody/something) COLLOCATIONS verbs take out a loan (= borrow money) Most home buyers take out a loan. repay/pay off/pay back a loan (= give back the money you borrowed, usually over a period of time) You can repay the loan early without a …16/06/2017 · A personal loan can be used for almost anything, including student debt, a new car, healthcare expenses, etc. You may only have five years to pay off a personal loan. No matter what type of loan you take, the minimum you can withdraw from your 401(k) is $1,000, and the maximum is half of your current balance or $50,000. 2. Interest
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