While a personal loan transfer can ease your financial burden considerably, it is always advisable to carefully look at the pros and cons that such an undertaking entails. Interest rates, repayment tenures, additional charges, and your profitability are important factors that you should analyse when opting to transfer your existing personal loan. You can also visit YES BANK's website to know more about their Fixed Yes Bank, you can get loans with EMIs as low as INR 2162 for every 1 lakh of the loan amount and interest rates starting from However, if you are wondering how to calculate the EMI on your loan, Yes Bank offers a convenient solution which is the personal loan EMI ;· You can use any of the free personal loan balance transfer calculators available online to compute the monthly EMIs and the total interest payable in case you opt for a balance transfer. You can compare the interest payable on your existing loan with the interest payable in case you opt for a balance interest rates on balance transfer start from while the repayment tenure range between 12 to 72 months. Balance transfer is available for all types of loans, including personal loans. Also referred to as refinancing, balance transfer is primarily done to reap the benefits of better interest rates and other Bank Personal Loan Balance Transfer - Interest rates Yes Bank Personal Loan Balance Transfer - Interest rates Personal Loan Balance Transfer - Apply online with Bank Personal Loan EMI Calculator OnlinePersonal Loan Balance Transfer is the process of transferring the total outstanding personal loan amount from one vendor to another vendor offering better features and facilities on the outstanding loan amount. Personal Loan Balance Transfer allows the borrowers to take advantage of competitive or lower rates of interest …12/05/2020 · This means that if you are entitled to a S$10,000 credit limit for an existing credit card, the bank will allow you a balance transfer of up to 95 per cent of the credit limit, which is S$9,500. However, this means that you are only left with a total of S$500 each month to spend on that credit Loan Interest Rate. Interest rates can vary based on the customer profile. Loan rates start at about To increase your chances of getting a low- interest rate loan, an individual should have a good credit history. Ideally, a CIBIL score greater than 750 is considered a good score. Personal Loan TenureYes, Axis Bank offers personal loan balance transfer. You can transfer your pre-existing loan at a higher rate of interest with any bank to Axis at a lower rate of interest. You can contact Axis Bank customer care to know more about the balance transfer option and ;· The personal loan balance transfer rates depend on both the bank’s internal criteria as well as the individual applicant’s profile. For example, the personal loan balance transfer interest rates for HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and Axis Bank start at , , and 12% respectively.