Could You Borrow Me Some Money

Autor: Oliver 31-07-21 Views: 3998 Comments: 117 category: Advices

Is ‘Can you borrow me some money’ correct English? As others have said, ‘Can you borrow me some money’ is not correct English - except in very specific circumstances. If you are a lender, you loan money. As someone needing money, you borrow ;· It’s “Can you lend me some money” and also “Can I borrow some money”. Borrow and lend are opposite views of the same thing. One person borrows and the other lends. It’s like buy and sell. “Can you sell me some shoes” and “Can I buy some shoes”01/05/2017 · can you lend me some money, can I borrow some of your money. can I borrow some money. |No. The following two sentences are, however, correct. Can you lend me some money? Can I borrow money from you?It is correct to say, "I lent him some money," but not "I loaned him some , The money that is lent is called a loan. "May I borrow your ax?" is proper, whereas "Can you borrow me your ax?" is, as you point out, region-specific and, while incorrect, is appropriate or lend. Could you. borrow lend. me some money, please? Some pupils can. borrow lend. books from their school. Will you. borrow objects - "He borrowed me some ;; right or indirect objects - "He borrowed me some ;; right or indirect objects - "He borrowed me some ;; right or indirect objects - "He borrowed me some ;; right or 12/04/2019 · May 12 2013 09:54:44. Prple. +0. You borrow money from someone: I borrowed some money from him. You lend someone money or you lend money to someone: I lent him some money. I lent some money to him. The money you lent [to] me wasn't enough. CB. May 12 2013 10:02 ;· It isn't. It is just wrong. Borrow me some money goes hand in hand with 'can you learn me how to do that' 🤦. Annoying, but nothing new. I've been hearing 'can you borrow me some', 'can you learn me' and 'itching an itch' for at least 50 years. No as bad as saying someone "learned" you how to do something. TAUGHT.

Tags: Could you borrow me some money please, Could you lend/borrow me some money, Could you please lend borrow me some money,